FROM THE STAGE TO THE MILONGA “SOCIAL TANGO” FROM THE STAGE TO THE MILONGA A choreographer and a visual artist joined forces to create this show that offers an unbiased and current perspective on the quintessential dance of Buenos Aires, without ignoring its true exponents: the milongueros.   Since the miracle that was Tango Argentino, […]


“SOCIAL TANGO”: ANDO GANAS DE ENCONTRARTE… Revol – Dance Magazine August 19, 2013 By María José Lavandera Directed and choreographed by Agustina Videla, and with photographic and video productions by Nora Lezano, “Social Tango” is described as “a tango show dedicated to the transformation dance brings about in people”. And while we can join the […]


SOCIAL TANGO Theater Social tango Combining dance and video, this show tells of how a man is transformed when he discovers tango, and at the same demonstrates the generational and cultural interplay that takes place in the milongas of Buenos Aires.  The story reflects what is happening today in all over the world where thousands […]

Paying homage to the milongueros

Paying homage to the milongueros Pagina 12 THEATER Agustina Videla and Nora Lezano talk about Social Tango Paying homage to the milongueros  Dance, music and video are combined in the show created by Videla and Lezano, now performing at the Teatro de la Ribera. “The milonga is a place for sharing; that is where tango […]


Metamorphosis BALLETÍN DANCE JULY 2013 TANGO Metamorphosis By Carlos Bevilacqua Social Tango, which premieres this month at the Teatro de la Ribera, will aim to show how contact with the dance can transform someone.  Tango never fails to provoke. As music, it always generates something: pleasure, rejection, curiosity, surprise, attention. As dance, it usually seduces […]

The new world of the milonga

The new world of the milonga TIEMPO ARGENTINO Wednesday, August 28, 2013 ENTERTAINMENTS | year 4 | no. 1186 SOCIAL TANGO The new world of the milonga Agustina Videla and Nora Lezano are the cornerstones of the show now playing in La Boca Nicolás Peralta The tango look is no longer about fishnet stockings […]

The unprejudiced world of two-four dreams

The unprejudiced world of two-four dreams CLARÍN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2013 ENTERTAINMENTS DANCE Social Tango The unprejudiced world of two-four dreams The show by Agustina Videla tells the story of a man transformed by tango Laura Falcoff For a number of years now various choreographers who have found their way to tango, or emerged […]

The tango of transformation

The tango of transformation LA PRENSA Wednesday, July 17, 2013 The choreographer Agustina Videla and the photographer Nora Lezano in a show about the social dance ___ Social Tango. Direction: Agustina Videla and Nora Lezano. Drama coaching: Carolina Tejeda. Choreography: A. Videla. Wardrobe: Renata Schussheim. Lighting: Marcelo Cuervo. Performers: Eva Icikson, Rodrigo Arze, Sebastián Fernández, […]

Milonga from the heart

Milonga from the heart On the pretext of portraying the genre, the show by Videla and Lezano succeeds in depicting atmospheres of rich intimacy. Laura Falcoff The peculiar microcosm of the milongas of Buenos Aires has been portrayed with some frequency in recent times, particularly by documentary makers from Argentina and abroad, and to a […]

Keeping the milonga beat

Keeping the milonga beat Perfil Sunday, July 7 2013 Dance TANGO WITH A PAUNCH ___ Dance, video, and photography come together in a venture showing at La Boca’s Teatro de la Ribera Tango: In addition to the choreographies, there are visual materials by Nora Lezano portraying the reality of tango. Saturday July 13 sees the […]